Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Design the Training Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Structure the Training Plan - Research Paper Example To be sure, ADDIE has been helpful to decide how the information, aptitudes, and capacities of the representatives would be upgraded that would be reasonable to the social qualities forced by the Hilton inn (Thomas, Mitchell, and Joseph, 2002; Chevalier, 2011). With ADDIE, coaches for Hilton staff of Texas should improve their self-assuredness, time the board, activity, and receptiveness aptitudes that were utilized as a reason for the preparation structure and advancement. In the wake of finishing the 5 situations. Members will be isolated into five gatherings with eleven individuals each. The individuals from the gathering will arrange up close and personal and overlap their envelopes that would be associated with the organizers of their co-individuals. The organizers of the individuals would fill in as scaffold to let the egg outperform from one envelope to the next as the gathering individuals could walk and catch the eggs until they would arrive at the end goal.  The circumstance is that the world is in peril as it is tainted with dangerous harmful squanders and this will obliterate the world in a short time in the event that it won't be killed. The test for the members is to move the balls (poisonous waste) from the little container to the huge pail, for balance. Notwithstanding, there is a radiation circle encompassing the two cans and should keep up a good ways from it. In the event that a member will go past that circle he/she will endure an extreme physical issue or demise. It is in the possession of the gathering to spare the planet inside 20 minutes or, more than likely everyone will be damned. This is an indoor action. Members are isolated into accomplices by checking them off by two. Let the accomplices conclude who will be number one and who will be number two. The members who are number one will be lead out of the room and have them blindfolded. The blindfolded members are known as the loss of war and they are stuck in a field of mines. Be that as it may, they don’t need to stress on the grounds that their accomplices will going to safeguard

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Multiculturalism in music Essay Example For Students

Multiculturalism in music Essay Picture in your mind a musical crew, and a rapper. What sort of garments are they wearing. What verse styles would they say they are singing in? What's more, what shading right? Continuous generalizations recommend that the musical crew is a gathering of white artists and the rapper would be dark. In any case, models from the over a wide span of time shows that these generalizations are false. Music is characterized as The specialty of sorting out tones to create an intelligent grouping of sounds to evoke a stylish reaction in an audience (Morris, 864). This countrys youth is not normal for any others, we have a lot of command over what we do, and music is something that develops around us all. In this article, I will talk about the advancement of youth music running from early stone, to todays hip bounce stars, from a muliculturalistic perspective. Multiculturalism is a term recognizing the nearness of a few noteworthy societies (Stark, 434). Without the nearness of multiculturalism, music may not be as differentiated and adjusted as it is today. Through sharing thoughts, procedures and abilities, music has developed into an immense measure of recognizing styles. The introduction of youth arranged music started with the introduction of awesome. Many feel that rock is commonly made out of a white populace, and relatively few would accept that rock was really begun by blacks. This gives early indications of multiculturalism through music. Awesome music is really a generate of musicality and blues, that was made during the 1950s. The name awesome was recognized by Alan Freed, a radio plate racer that acquainted mood and blues with the standard open, and modified it for the awesome. What Freed unquestionably knew however scarcely any whites were uninformed of at the time was that the term (awesome) was broadly utilized in dark music as a code word for sex (RRG, 20). Ideas of cadence and signs, for example, complex rhythms and get out reaction and mixing work of both delights and distresses in the South were taken dark American legacy (RRG, 23). These styles of music were set to somewhat English style tunes and in this manner delivered another style of music. This new style of music set up for the absolute most persuasive performers of youth in this time. One of the most persuasive performer of this time was Chuck Berry. Berry was one of the primary cadence and blues entertainers to have an interracial crowd, and a substantial impact later on professions of the Rolling Stones, Beatles, and Beach Boys. This new and leaving type of melodic articulation was taken in by the adolescent. It gave them a sentiment of opportunity and euphoria that had been missing from past music styles. Despite the fact that rock turned into a moment hit with the young, the music caused dismay in the grown-up world. Rock was reprimanded for adolescent wrongdoing to extricated sexual measures (RRG, 27). The most infamous case of what grown-ups didnt like in exciting music can be found in Elvis Presley. Elvis was the main white entertainer to open a group of people to awesome music. In any case, the unrestrained choice style Elvis showed was not a genuine success with the grown-ups, where he was censured as a spinning dervish of sex. Awesome music at that point went on a tear, developing into a wide range of styles and structures. As rock developed and broadened, numerous new specialists and unmistakable styles rose. Such models are blues, highlighted by B.B. Ruler and Ruth Brown. Agreeable styles, for example, The Orioles, the lively swing hints of Little Richard, the good example demigod Pat Boone, and the people rock of the Everly Brothers. Rock ordinarily advanced to what was going on the planet during that timespan, for example, war, governmental issues, recent developments, and ways of life. .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .postImageUrl , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:hover , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:visited , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:active { border:0!important; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:active , .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6b8f40ef8fb e6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6b8f40ef8fbe6c39e10d97f17d0bbac8:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: 'The Hold Life Has' and 'In Search of Respect': Book Review Another perspective that advanced exciting music was innovation. As increasingly more innovation was grown, progressively coordinated sounds were brought into rock, in the end coming about into such music as pop and disco. Music was currently ready to have fake beats that conventional instruments couldn't create. This new type of music cleared the way to an entirely different element of music, one that is generally referred to today as hip-bounce. Hip-jump music is a style that comprises of .

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Project Manager Resume Examples, Template, and Tips

Project Manager Resume Examples, Template, and Tips How many times have you found yourself wanting to apply for a job, but you thought that your resume is not quite right for that job? Or is it, but you just do not know how to perk it up for your own advantage? Are you alone in this? Of course not!Whether you are an experienced worker who wants a change of pace, either because you are moving to a different city or because you think you gave everything you got and got everything that you could out of that job; or you are a novice looking for their own place under the professional sun-it does not matter.The questions and doubts are always the same when you are applying for a (new) job: Will I be the right fit? Will my resume stand out among hundreds of others? Should I even apply?Now, think about (or even write down) the questions that bother you, and check it with our list:How do I catch the recruiter’s attention?What is relevant to write down, and what should I avoid?Should I make a lengthy CV and write down everything?OrHow short c an it be not to be considered scarce?What kind of layout should I use?Are we on point at least 50%? Well, I bet it is much more than that.Why you ask?It is because you are not the first person to struggle with this.This is why we are going to help you answer these questions (and more), and help pave the way to getting that dream project manager job you have dreamed of.We are going to help you find out:How to know what kind of information the recruiters are looking for in your CVHow to present your advantages, skills, and experience correctly and conciselyWhich information to chose to showcase and which ones you should not write downHow a great resume looks like (better than the majority out there! And when we say majority, we mean 90%)Now, if you are all fired up and ready to start, use one of the templates from our resume builder. It will make the process that much faster, as we did the creative part for you, and we made it really easy to use.Picked out one? Great!Let us begin by s howing you a couple of great examples of how an eye-catching, attractive and on-point project manager resumes look like.When you are looking through them, try to see what makes them great, you will be amazed at how simple, and almost obvious things, can make such a huge difference.But just in case you miss something, we will go through the resumes point-by-point.Keep reading! Its about to get really fun!Project Manager Resume Example Right Project Manager Resume Example #2 Right Create your own resumeDo these examples help you figure out on your own what information and in which way should be included in your resume? See how they are short, on-point, and concise?This is why the recruiters will love it! Everything they need will be right there so they can spot any desired information at a single glance.If, by chance, it is not completely clear on how you should compose your own resume here come the point-by-point breakdown of each section, just to make the process as easy as possible for you!Take notes and create your own resume later, or use one of our templates to do it right away and save yourself some time! Just follow the simple guidelines, and you will be a step closer to that dream job of yours!GUIDE ON WRITING THE PERSONAL INFO SECTIONThe personal information section of your resume should give all the necessary information that is required for your prospective employer to contact you.There are some that you ar e obligated to write down.Others can be optional. Let us check what falls into which category.Compulsory:Your first and last nameYour profession- this could be confusing sometimes as this is where you should write down the position you are applying for, regardless of what your professional title is after graduation.Your contact information â€" your current address, an active phone number, e-mail address, and a Linkedin profile. (If you do not have a Linkedin profile, go through the ‘trouble’ of making it.)Optional:Your photo â€" now this is not ‘optional’ in the conventional sense- if your country requires a photo on the resume, by all means, use it, otherwise, you may seem unprofessional. However, in some countries (e.g. USA), a photo on your resume is not allowed in order to avoid bias.Other social media profilesDriver’s licenseOtherPay attention to the mistakes and forms that leave a good impression on HR. Keep it professional, and if the e-mail, for example, does not f it the criteria, make another one to use in professional purposes.Personal InfoKate Simmons Kate.simmons@gmail.com A nice, clean headshot, showing appropriate hairdo, clothes, and so on. RightPersonal InfoJohn J-MAN Johnson littlemissbutterfly@gmail.com Cropped photo from a party or the similar. WrongGUIDE ON WRITING THE SUMMARY SECTIONA summary section is where you tell the recruiters who you are, what it is that you are looking for, how much experience you have, how you plan on making a contribution to the company.It is important to do so in short. Two or three sentences with the right information are more than enough.Do not write an essay, but also do not be stingy with words. Take a look at these two examples:SummaryAn experienced project manager with over 10 years of experience and over 500 successful projects is looking for an opportunity to use the acquired skills in various projects.A perfect position for me is one that can help me grow personally and professionally while conducting projects for the good of the environment. RightSummaryA project manager with over ten years of experience seeking a new job to put my skills to good use. WrongThe first, ‘good’ summary gives the gist of your resume, while still gives the recruiters the opportunity to get a sense of who you are. The other example does not provide you with that inner thought that ‘this person could be the right fit for us.’What happens if you do not have any experience?Focus on your education, personal characteristics you think may help you do the job you are applying for, and even some ‘personal projects’ you have conducted successfully, e.g. organized an annual clean-up of the local park. Again, make your personality shine through the information.Summary without experienceI am an ambitious, fresh-out-of-college young individual, hungry for more management experience. I have participated in organizing annual fundraisers at my University and organized a clean-up of the local p ark 5 years in a row. I am looking for first-time employment where I can put my education to good use. RightSummary without experienceI am a Business School graduate who is looking for a first-time job in project management. WrongSee, even if you do not have any professional experience in the field, there must be a project you have organized on your own.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EXPERIENCE SECTIONThis section is where you write down all your work experience related to the position you are applying for.It is not enough to just state the institution and position, but you should, in bullet points, explain what your responsibilities and achievements were at the said position.There are some basic guidelines that you should follow when writing about your experience:Order use reverse-chronological order, i.e. start with the most recent work experience and go back to the last one.Relevance You have maybe spent some time during your studies working as a valet, or had an online business while you were searching for the dream job. That is great, but it is not relevant to the job you are applying for now. State only those where you have performed what you are applying for now.Form the generally accepted form is- date, Institution/company, position. This makes it really clear and easy to follow.Use bullets to list your specific achievements and responsibilities, use bullet points and make them short, but informative.ExperienceHeld over 800 group Transactional Analysis Sessions for the Centers employees, helping them overcome difficult workplace situations.Raised over $45,000 for the construction of the schools new football field. RightExperienceHeld over group Transactional Analysis Sessions for the Centers employees.Raised money for the construction of the schools new football field. WrongFocus on the details on how you managed to accomplish something, the benefits and results of the project, rather than just stating the facts. Remember, the recruiters do not know you, give them something to want to get to know you.There is a lot of information, and there are more to come, but, relax, visit our resume builder so your head can stop spinning, and fill it, so you do not miss any important resume points.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EDUCATION SECTIONWriting the education section is pretty straightforward. Write about your formal education.Here you should list the University (or Universities).As well as with experience, use the reverse-chronological order. However, do not list your high-school or elementary school information unless they are relevant for the position you are applying for (which we highly doubt it is in case of a project manager).Along with the name of the University, you should point out your minor, your GPA if it is outstanding, scholarships, awards, honors.Other information that you can include here:LicensesCertificatesAdditional, even non-related certificatesAnything you formally studiedGUIDE ON WRITING THE SKILLS SECTIONIn the skills secti on, you should write all the skills that can help you do the desired job.Let us imagine that you are applying for the project management position at a retail franchise and that you have danced ballet since you were a 5-year-old child.Do you put down ‘semi-proficient ballet dancer’ in your skills section?Well, unless you want to literally dance yourself into completing a project, then, the answer is ‘no’ however proud of the said skill you are.The skills that should be included have to be relevant to the position you are applying for.So, for example, computer and communication skills are relevant for project managers. You need to be able to manage groups of people (through communication) and keep track of the people, accomplishments, tasks (e.g. Excel Tables).What mistakes do people usually make? They just state that they have a certain skill, but they do not say how proficient they are in it.SkillsAdvanced knowledge of MS Office packetAdvanced proficiency in the French langu ageConversational level of Italian language RightSkillsMS Office Or Word, Excel,…French, Italian WrongFor making clear of how proficient you are you can use a star-based grading system, a fraction system, e.g. 6/10, and, as we did in the examples-descriptive method (advanced, intermediate, beginner, and so on).We have that figured out in our resume builder, so you do not have to. Check it out!To know what skills to pick out among all those that you have, carefully and thoroughly go through the job offer. They usually tell you what kind of an applicant they are looking for. Find those keywords and mirror them in your resume.E.g. We are looking for an experienced project manager who is able to put their excellent people skills to motivate and manage large groups of people (30+) with the common goal of increase of sales in the next 5 years.The keywords in the job offer are: experienced, people skills, large groups, increase in sales.In your resume, refer to these keywords by provid ing evidence of how you have what is required.FINAL TIPS TRICKS FOR YOUR PROJECT MANAGER RESUMEProofread your resume. Make sure that there are no typos. Nothing says ‘unprofessional’ more than great ‘CompuFer Skills’.Name the file in a clear, yet, catchy way.Your resume should not be longer than one page, so carefully revise it if it is longer, and cut off the unnecessary parts.Keep your bullet points concise â€" a line or 2 is quite enough.Tailor your resume according to the job application. Do not send out generic resumes. I this case, the chances are higher that there will be more information irrelevant to the job offer.Use a resume builder. Resume builders are designed and optimized for the utmost usability of space, fonts, and design. Pick the layout that you are comfortable with and which reflects your personality.Keep your resume in a PDF format, and/or in a link. A PDF is non-editable there are is less opportunity to make an accidental typo. To make things easier, o ur resume builder saves resumes as a PDF file right away.Have a master resume with all your experience, education and skills listed, and what is more important, update it regularly in order not to forget anything the next time you are tailoring your resume to fit the job offer.NOW, LAND THAT PROJECT MANAGER JOB INTERVIEWNow when you have carefully gone through our advice on how to make a perfect resume, all that is left is to apply for the job you want and wait for that call.If you followed our examples and chose the best layout for you- a job interview is coming your way! You will definitely be noticed!We are sure that, once you get that desired interview, you will outshine your competition in person as well as on paper!Creating this perfect resume is the first step on leading your own team into a successful ending of a project! Good luck! Create your own resume

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Teachers Can Achieve Happiness

The stereotype around elementary school teachers is that they are always peppy and happy and full of life. While this may hold true for some elementary school teachers, it sure does not for all teachers. As you know, having a job in the teaching profession can be quite challenging. Teachers have a lot of pressure on them. Not only do they have to learn and teach the common core standards to students, but they also have the challenging job of making sure that their students are ready to be productive citizens once they get out of school. With all of this pressure, along with the responsibilities of  lesson planning, grading, and discipline, the job can sometimes take a toll on any teacher, no matter how peppy their nature. To help relieve some of these pressures, use these tips on a daily basis to help you deal and, hopefully, bring some joy to your life.   1. Take Time for Yourself One of the best ways that you can achieve happiness is to take time for yourself. Teaching is a very selfless profession and sometimes you just need to take a moment and do something for yourself. Teachers spend so much of their free time scouring the internet looking for effective lesson plans or grading papers, that they sometimes end up neglecting their personal needs. Set aside one day of the week for lesson planning or grading, and set aside another day for yourself. Take an art class, go shopping with a friend, or try that yoga class that your friends are always trying to get you to go to.   2. Make Your Choices Wisely According to Harry K. Wong in the book â€Å"How to Be an Effective Teacher† the way a person chooses to behave (as well as their reactions) will dictate what their life will be like. He says that their are three categories of behavior that people can exhibit, they are protective behaviors, maintenance behaviors, and enhancement behaviors. Here are examples of each behavior. Protective Behavior –These are people who are full of excuses, who complain a lot, and are good at justifying their behavior. You probably always see them in the teachers’ lounge complaining about everything and anything that is happening in their classroom as well as at the school. Maintenance Behavior – These are the people who are very hardworking and who spend a lot of time wishing (I wish I won the lottery, I wish I had a bigger classroom). They tend to get along well with others, and don’t complain or put people down in the teachers’ lounge. They are concerned with their own individual survival, health, and safety. Enhancement Behavior –These individuals enjoy active learning and participating in groups. They go to every teacher conference and meeting, and are known around the school as a leader. Now that you know the three types of behavior, which category do you fall into? Which type of teacher do you want to be? The way that you decide to act can greatly increase or decrease your overall happiness and well-being. 3. Lower Your Expectations Let go of the expectation that every lesson has to go exactly as planned. As a teacher, you will always have misses along with the hits. If your lesson was a flop, try to think of it as a learning experience.  Just as you teach your students that they can learn from their mistakes, so can you. Lower your expectations and you will find that you will be much happier. 4. Do Not Compare Yourself to Anyone One of the many problems with social media is the ease with which people can present their lives in any way they wish. As a result, people tend to only portray the version of themselves and their life that they want others  to see. If you are scrolling down your Facebook news feed you may see many teachers that look like they have it all together, which can be quite intimidating and result in feelings of inadequacy. Compare yourself to no one. It’s hard not to compare yourself to others when we have Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest in our lives. But just remember that it probably takes some of these teachers hours to create the perfect-looking lesson. Do your best and try to be satisfied with the results.   5. Dress for Success Never underestimate the power of a nice outfit.   While dressing up to teach a bunch of elementary students may seem like a bad idea, research shows that it can actually make you feel happier. So the next morning that you want an instant pick-me-up, try wearing your favorite outfit to school. 6. Fake it Weve all heard the expression, Fake it til you make it. Turns out, it might actually work. Some studies that show if you smile when you are unhappy, you can trick your brain into feeling like you are happy. The next time your students are driving you crazy, try smiling—it might just turn your mood around. 7. Socialize with Friends and Colleagues Do you find that you tend to be alone a lot when you are feeling unhappy? Studies found that the more time unhappy people spent socializing with others, the better that they felt. If you’re spending a lot of time by yourself, try getting out and socializing with your friends or colleagues. Go eat lunch in the faculty lounge instead of your classroom, or go for that drink after school with your friends.   8. Pay it Forward There have been so many studies conducted that show that the more that you do for others, the better you feel about yourself. The sheer act of doing a good deed can make a huge impact on your self-esteem, as well as your happiness. The next time that you are feeling down, try doing something nice for someone else. Even if its just holding the door open for a stranger or making extra photocopies for your colleague, paying it forward can really improve your mood. 9. Listen to Music   Studies find that focused listening to music that is upbeat, or even just reading lyrics that are positive, can improve your mood.   Classical music is also said to have a mood-boosting effect on people. So the next time you’re sitting in your classroom and are in need of a pick-me-up, turn on some upbeat or classical music. Not only will it help to boost your mood, it will help your students moods as well.   Ã‚   10. Express Gratitude A lot of us spend a lot of our time focusing on what we dont have, rather than focusing our time on what we do have. When we do this, it can make you feel sad and unhappy. Try expressing gratitude and focusing all of your attention on the positive things that you have in your life. Think about what is going right in your life, and all of things that you are grateful for. Each morning before your toes even hit the ground, say three things that you are grateful for. Here are a few examples of what you can do each morning to express gratitude. Today I am grateful for: My health and the health of my familyThat I have food, clothes and a roof over my headThat I have a wonderful job that helps me provide for my family You have the ability to control how you feel. If you wake up feeling unhappy then you have the ability to change that. Use these ten tips and practice them daily. With practice, you can form lifelong habits that can increase your overall happiness.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Continuing Academic Success Essay - 1172 Words

Continuing Academic Success When looking at continuing academic success one must make several critical decisions; chose if continuing going to school is the right choice for them. Most of the time when people come to that decision, they come to realize several things. That it is important to continue academic success because it helps you set goals for your academic success, helps you strengthen your learning style, and there are so many sources out there to help you succeed. When one makes that first step in continuing their academic success; it becomes clearer and clearer how important it is to further yourself in academic success. One can benefit so much from going back to school or even just continuing any academic journey. The major†¦show more content†¦Also, they would see how their ethics our tested and how others’ ethics is truly different than theirs. After getting the information from the ethical lens inventory, I feel I am more aware of how everyone does not think the same or have the same ethics as I do. I will be more caution when coming to a conclusion when working with others. Furthermore, I will try to improve more on my critical thinking skills rather than just dive right into a project, I will use the steps I learned in the critical thinking exercise. Lastly everyone that continues their education would benefit tremendously from being able to make many goals, and some may even learn how to make bigger goals than they ever imagine. If everyone would stop and think how goal setting is such an amazing tool to know and have; they would be amazed at the results after accomplishing just one goal. Goal setting is a major part of everyones life because it gives people something to strive for in their everyday life. Take continuing your education as one of your main goals; that is the first little goal to reach your overall goal. Everyone should try to have a ton of little goals to reach that one huge desired goal in life. Whether it be continuing your education or even just to succeed in whatever a person is doing in their life. The results may vary maybe even the time frame of the goals one is trying to reach may be longer than others.Show MoreRelatedContinuing Academic Success1112 Words   |  5 Pages Continuing Academic Success Continuing Academic Success is extremely important to those who plan to make advancements in their chosen career fields. It provides the opportunity to keep current with ideas, techniques, and advancements that are being made in their area of employment. 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If you want to thrive in school, youRead MoreContinuing Academic Success1559 Words   |  7 PagesCONTINUING ACADEMIC SUCCESS Dale Ray Blackard GEN/201 5/23/2016 Laticia Dezell Continued Academic Success Continuing academic success opens opportunities for advancement and increases monetary value based upon transferred knowledge. Education promotes a person as a dedicated person that does the necessary actions to accomplish the personal preference of the goal desired. One who exemplifies this internal drive receives advancements in the work place. Promotions and added responsibilities areRead MoreContinuing Academic Success Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Continuing Academic Success Alejandra Ruvalcaba General Education 12/13/14 Pete Medina â€Å"Continuing Education Success†, personally I never even thought about this nor about setting educational goals for myself, like obtaining a bachelors in criminal justice to achieve a good paying job. In this class I learned how important it is to make my education a priority so I do not get sidetracked by other things that are also important in my life. Setting educational goals for my academic success is aRead MoreContinuing Academic Success Essay1166 Words   |  5 Pages Continuing Academic Success Keyaria Tompkins GEN/201 September 22, 2014 Maureen Parker Continuing Academic Success Of course everyone wants to be successful! It takes 100% of effort and determination to be successful. Maintaining believable goals keeps you on track for the road of success. If you keep your goals in mind, you will not astray from them. Achieving goals that you have set for yourself is your responsibility. It is easy to get distracted from your academic goals,Read MoreContinuing Academic Success Essay1502 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Continuing Academic Success Francheska Masoller GEN/201 Foundations for University Success July-28, 2014 Ann Zomerfeld Continuing Academic Success It is a big step for someone who has been out of school for so long, to have the courage to begin the journey of higher education. Personally, it took me several years of contemplating if going back to school was the right move for me. I postponed it until I realized this was the only way I could provide my family with the life I’veRead MoreEssay about Continuing Academic Success1075 Words   |  5 PagesContinuing Academic Success GEN/201 â€Æ' Continuing Academic Success Achieving success is something that many consider to be difficult, sometimes too difficult to be worth even trying. But there are many tools and processes available to help people be successful. By knowing what these tools and processes are, students are able to achieve not only academic success, but also be successful in many other areas of their lives. Setting goals is an important step in achieving success. By recognizing yourRead MoreGen200 Continuing Academic Success Essay1253 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Academic Success xxxx University of Phoenix GEN200 – Foundations for General Education xxxx xxxx Academic Success Technology and industry is growing at an ever increasing rate, and each year there are new devices or concepts adopted by business wanting to be on the cutting edge. Workers and leaders also need to stay on the cutting edge as well if they desire to excel in their careers. Often, this means that the working adult will return to a learning environment to earn a certificationRead MoreCaress Alexander gen201 r2 using sources Essay758 Words   |  4 PagesSources Review the Continuing Academic Success assignment requirements from Week 5. Conduct research in the University Library to find at least three sources that are relevant for your Week 5 essay. Complete the following table for each source you have chosen. Include the original passage when you provide the summary, paraphrase, and quote. Source 1 Title of the article The influence of motivational orientations on academic achievement among working adults in continuing education Why did youRead MoreEssay about Academic Success1210 Words   |  5 PagesContinuing Academic Success Kasey E Marsh II Gen/200 3/1/2015 Susie Holiday Continuing Academic Success The end is near to my first class at the University of Phoenix. As I continue on with my education, I would like to have great academic success. Academic success can be achieved by being aware of one’s goals, the writing process and the importance of critical thinking skills. By knowing these things, I believe my academic success will be achievable. Goals Setting

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tobacco tax Free Essays

Tobacco tax: good for health, government finances Tobacco use kills over 5 million people each year and is the largest single preventable cause of premature death. l Tobacco is very costly to society through high costs to treat tobacco-induced disease or through loss of productivity as a result of the premature deaths. But governments have a tool to combat the costs of tobacco use † tobacco taxation. We will write a custom essay sample on Tobacco tax or any similar topic only for you Order Now Higher tobacco prices decrease consumption and encourage people to quit Increasing the price of tobacco products Is the single most effective way to reduce consumption-2 Ralslng prices discourages uptake of tobacco se by young people and motivates people to quit tobacco use, while raising government revenues. 3 Numerous studies in high income countries have shown that a 10% increase in cigarette price decreases consumption by about 4%. 4 Available data indicate that consumption in low and middle income countries is even more responsive to price. For example, the estimated decreases would be about 5. 5% in China, 5. 2% in Mexico and 5. 4% in South Africa. 5,6,7 For tobacco products other than manufactured cigarettes, studies are comparatively rare, although similar effects have been found. 8 Price (SA rand) Packs 100 25 Real Cigarette prices (2008 base) Packs sold per capita 15 10 5 20 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 Year Inflation-adjusted cigarette prices and cigarette consumption, South Africa, 1980-2009 Higher tobacco prices save lives Decreasing consumption would translate into lives saved. The World Bank has estimated that tax increases to raise the price of cigarettes by 10% would: 00 Cut the number of smokers in the world by 42 million † 38 million of them in low to middle income countries; 00 Save 10 million lives † 9 million of them in low to middle income countries. 9 PHOTO: WBB Trust WWW. NCDALLIANCE. ORG How many lives could tobacco tax increases save? Recent economic analyses for countries with large numbers of smokers found that: in China: in Russia: Increasing tax from 40% to 68% of the retail price would: Increasing tax from 37% to 70% Increasing tax from 33% to 70% OOGenerate IJS$16. billion a year in additional tax revenue OOGenerate IJS$6. 5 billion a year in OOGenerate IJS$4. 9 billion a year in OOHelp 54. 6 million smokers to quit OOHelp 10 million smokers to quit OOHelp 5. 4 million smokers to quit oosave 13. 7 million lives12 OOSave 3. 5 million lives OOSave 1. 3 million lives14 Tobacco and poverty Those living on lower incomes are more li kely to smoke, and policy makers are sometimes concerned that increasing tobacco tax will penalise people who are already living in reduced circumstances. But it is important to note that poorer smokers are also the most price sensitive † in other words, they are the most likely to quit or reduce their consumption of tobacco when taxes are increased. This has been confirmed in multiple studies. For example, when tobacco excise was increased in South Africa over several years in the mid to late 1990s, the largest reductions in smoking prevalence were seen among young people and low-income earners. When smokers quit, their families benefit in two ways: through improved health and through improved finances † money previously spent on tobacco products can be spent on food, education and other necessities. If policy makers are concerned about the economic impact of tobacco tax increases on low-income smokers who do not reduce their consumption, they can invest part of the added tobacco tax revenue in social spending. 13 In addition to savings to the public sector, business can also benefit from a healthier workforce, with lower absenteeism and fewer losses of skilled workers through early retirement due to illness or early death. A cost-benefit analysis in the I-JK showed that a 5% tobacco tax increase over the rate of inflation would increase government tax revenues by over IJS$814 million a year and result in wider economic benefits of over $440 million per year in the first five years of the policy. 18 Tobacco use is the one risk factor common to the main groups of NCDs. Accelerated implementation of the FCTC is an essential way to tackle NCDs and save lives. 1 World Health Organization (2009) WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2008. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2 World Health Organization (2004) Building blocks for tobacco control: a handbook. Geneva: World Health Organization. 3 Jha P Chaloupka F. (1999) Curbing the epidemic: governments and the economics of tobacco control. Washington, DC: World Bank. 4 World Health Organization (2010) WHO technical manual on tobacco tax administration. Geneva: World Health Organization. 5 Hu T-w, Mao Z, Shi J, Chen W (2008) Tobacco taxation and its potential impact in China. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Tobacco tax increases benefit the economy Governments benefit directly from tobacco tax increases. Increased revenue can pay for tobacco control interventions, combating infectious isease or other priority national programmes. Countries with efficient tax systems have benefitted from substantial tax increases. How to cite Tobacco tax, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Reconstruction and the Issue of Equality after the Civil war Essay Example For Students

Reconstruction and the Issue of Equality after the Civil war Essay Reconstruction and the Issue of Equality: How Hope Was Not Fostered After the Civil War Reconstruction was the term given to the stage of American history where the Civil War was concluded and the country was forced to rebuild itself after the tragedies of a country turned against itself. Yet the major condition of Reconstruction was the nature of racism: The original goal of Reconstruction was to create a country where both white and black citizens were literal equals, rather than socially dissimilar. Indeed, those who believed strongly in Reconstruction insisted that: There had never been an age like this one before and there would never be one again. (McPherson: 1982) However, while the conditions of Reconstruction were suitable for the achievement of these goals, they did not come to pass. The overall conditions of racism in the country rose up, driving down the hope that black citizens and progressive whites felt concerning the state of racial relations. The states in the South were particularly opposed to the acceptance of blacks as their social and political equals. Soon after the Civil War was concluded and Reconstruction begun, new laws began to surface in U.S. politics. These laws made it quite evident that many people wished to promote a condition known as separate but equal, where blacks and whites were legally equal but could be kept physically separate. These conditions were known as the Jim Crow Acts, where the disfranchisement of the United States allowed for the promotion of acts that kept blacks and whites completely apart. According to legal standards, there must be comparable facilities for both races, but these facilities need never be used by either blacks nor whites, depending on which facilities were discussed. The separation went so far as to extend not just to separate restrooms but all the way down to separate mirrors in public places! One black writer remarked on the situation that: The extraordinary thing about the wall that fear built is that it is of so recent an origin. There were no separate but equal privies in slavery time. Nor, as C. Vann Woodward has shown in his excellent book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, were there separate but equal rest rooms for a considerable period thereafter. (Foner: 1989) These codes were protested many times by the black communities, which were rapidly gaining some form of power in the North but were basically little above freed slaved in the South. This was also represented in the Black Codes, or a series of laws that were believed to establish order in the African- American communities. These Black Codes were used to create legally- binding states of wedlock for blacks living in relationships, or those who the white public presumed to be living in such relationships. These laws also created legal protocols for the ownership of children of black parents. However, above all else the Black Codes prohibited the marriage of white people and black people. In addition to this, the Black Codes also established the legality of actions taken by black citizens, and the actions that could be taken against them if it was found that they had somehow violated a law. The Black Codes first went into effect in South Carolina in 1865 and were quickly adapted by many other Southern states. Perhaps the worst part of Reconstruction, however, was the fact that the U.S. government did not go to any steps to promote or preserve the situation created to aid the back citizens of America. (Stampp: 1967) While the black citizens finally believed that they would be treated as equals in the eyes of the law, and were indeed even promised this through the deeds of Reconstruction, the overall state of the matter was that there was absolutely no enforcement of these progressive laws. The final say in the matter was that the white citizens of the United States determined the extent of the Reconstruction, and in many places the whites were racist and not in favor of promoting inequality. The final result of this was that racism was fostered in face of government statutes that were supposed to completely destroy such behaviors. .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .postImageUrl , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:hover , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:visited , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:active { border:0!important; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:active , .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc1a852061e26b4cf36831726e0da86bf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Grumman X-29 By Pace Essay In conclusion, Reconstruction in the United States created a situation that greatly encouraged the black citizens to believe that equality had finally come to pass. However, rapid changes in the behavior of the white citizens established separate but equal laws that destroyed this hope. Bibliography Foner, E. (1989) Reconstruction: Americas Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. New York: HarperCollins. McPherson, J. M. (1982) Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction. New York: Viking. Stampp, K. (1967) The Era .

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Humes Two Forms of Inquiry

Hume According to Hume, there are two forms of inquiry; they are matter of fact and relations of ideas. All enquiry objects can naturally be categorized into matters of fact and relations of ideas. The propositions are usually discovered solely through the application of thought.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hume’s Two Forms of Inquiry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is never dependent on things that can be found in the universe. Irrespective of the fact that, in nature, triangles and circles were not in existence, Euclid came up with truths that maintain the evidence and certainty of their existence. This paper aims at analyzing the matter of fact and relations of ideas. Matter of fact Matters of fact are the 2nd enquiry objects. Irrespective of how much evidence of their existence there is, their assertion is totally different. There is always the possibility of the opposite of each matter of fa ct because it does not indicate a contradiction. Moreover, it is contained in mind with a similar uniqueness and facility. This is accomplished in a manner that agrees totally to reality (Hume, 1902). For instance, saying that the sun will not rise from the east tomorrow, is not an intelligent proposition. It introduces more contradiction than the already present evidence, that is, that the sun will rise. Hence, trying to show the falsehood of this statement would be in vain. In case it is shown to be false, this would bring about a contradiction, and the mind would not conceive this distinctly. Relations of ideas In philosophy, the term relation refers to a form of the fact that is either agreeable or disagreeable of the two items. For instance, the aspect of ‘taller than’ is agreeable in relation to Ross Perot. On the other hand, it is false as far as Mt. Everest is concerned. In this relation, it is worth noting that items and substances possess properties. For insta nce, this patch is blue; it is worth noting that relations involve two substances or properties. For instance, this patch is smaller compared to another one. Relations of ideas refer to the form of knowledge that is considered as having arisen from pure reasonable procedures and theoretical opinions (Hume, 1902). This is a complete contrast of matter of fact. For example, in logic it can be argued that water surrounds all islands. In mathematics, 40 * 2 is 80. Difference between matter of fact and relations of ideas Relations of ideas refer to a logical or mathematical proposition. Irrespective of the fact that it has rational certainty, it informs nothing in regards to reality. On the other hand, matters of fact refer to an empirically verifiable proposition. Although it informs about the real world, there is no rational certainty.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, accor ding to the relation of ideas, a triangle refers to a geometrical figure with three sides. The total sum of all the angles is one hundred and eighty degrees. There is one hundred percent certainty that this is what the triangle is. However, there is no confirmation whether triangles exist in reality or not (Hume, 1902). In the matter of fact, it can be argued that the Sun always rises in the east. Therefore, all people globally accept this to be the case according to the overall experience. According to Hume, this is referred to as custom. However, it is not clear whether the Sun will rise from another direction the following day. Reference Hume, D. (1902). An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. London: Oxford University Press. This essay on Hume’s Two Forms of Inquiry was written and submitted by user Kairi Maxwell to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Free Essays on Lewis

Meriwether Lewis LEWIS, Meriwether, explorer, born near Charlottesville, Virginia, 18 August, 1774; died near Nashville, Tennessee, 8 October; 1809. He was a great-nephew of Fielding Lewis, noticed above, and inherited a fortune frown his father, who died when the son was a child. Meriwether, who was of a bold and adventurous disposition, left school at eighteen years of age, and in 1794 volunteered in the troops that were called out to quell the whiskey insurrection in western Pennsylvania. He entered the regular service in 1795, became captain in 1800, and in 1801-'3 was private secretary to President Jefferson, who in the latter year recommended him to congress to command an exploring expedition across the continent to the Pacific. He set out in the summer of 1803, accompanied by his associate, Captain William Clark, and a company that was composed of nine young men from Kentucky, fourteen soldiers, two Canadian boatmen, an interpreter, a hunter, and a Negro servant of Captain Clark. They began to ascend Missouri river in the spring of 1804, passed a second winter among the Mandans in latitude 47Â º 21' N., and on 7 April, 1805, continued to ascend the Missouri until the middle of July, when they reached the great falls. Near the close of this month they attained the confluence of three nearly equal streams, to which they gave the names of Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin. They ascended the Jefferson to its source, traveled through the mountains from August till 22 September, when they entered the plains of the western slope, in October embarked in canoes on the Kooskoosky, a branch of the Columbia, and on 15 November reached the mouth of that river, after traveling more than 4,000 miles from the confluence of Mississippi and Missouri rivers. They passed the following winter on the south bank of the Columbia in an entrenched camp, in March, 1806, began to ascend the Columbia on their homeward journey, and in May left their bo... Free Essays on Lewis Free Essays on Lewis Meriwether Lewis LEWIS, Meriwether, explorer, born near Charlottesville, Virginia, 18 August, 1774; died near Nashville, Tennessee, 8 October; 1809. He was a great-nephew of Fielding Lewis, noticed above, and inherited a fortune frown his father, who died when the son was a child. Meriwether, who was of a bold and adventurous disposition, left school at eighteen years of age, and in 1794 volunteered in the troops that were called out to quell the whiskey insurrection in western Pennsylvania. He entered the regular service in 1795, became captain in 1800, and in 1801-'3 was private secretary to President Jefferson, who in the latter year recommended him to congress to command an exploring expedition across the continent to the Pacific. He set out in the summer of 1803, accompanied by his associate, Captain William Clark, and a company that was composed of nine young men from Kentucky, fourteen soldiers, two Canadian boatmen, an interpreter, a hunter, and a Negro servant of Captain Clark. They began to ascend Missouri river in the spring of 1804, passed a second winter among the Mandans in latitude 47Â º 21' N., and on 7 April, 1805, continued to ascend the Missouri until the middle of July, when they reached the great falls. Near the close of this month they attained the confluence of three nearly equal streams, to which they gave the names of Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin. They ascended the Jefferson to its source, traveled through the mountains from August till 22 September, when they entered the plains of the western slope, in October embarked in canoes on the Kooskoosky, a branch of the Columbia, and on 15 November reached the mouth of that river, after traveling more than 4,000 miles from the confluence of Mississippi and Missouri rivers. They passed the following winter on the south bank of the Columbia in an entrenched camp, in March, 1806, began to ascend the Columbia on their homeward journey, and in May left their bo...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Discussion Board paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board paragraph - Essay Example In criminological language, victimless crime is now expressed as Public order crime. Newman (2005) states that â€Å"The U.S. Government uses victimless crimes to control and manipulate its citizens. Prosecuting victimless crimes is driving our country into debt, destroying the Bill of Rights, destroying families and leaving more of our population in prison than any other country. Often the hysteria of victimless crimes traps innocent people and destroys their lives. Victimless crimes also erode respect for the law.†    There are convinced crimes, which may be measured as victimless crimes, which moreover are forbidden, or not. Certainly, almost everything can be forbidden (for instance not wearing a veil as a lady). This is merely a small list of genuine or historical illegal actions in western society that can be measured as victimless crimes. The laws beside victimless crimes are not straight intimidation to seclusion themselves. In criminalizing definite performance, society makes a verdict that there can be no personal importance in those actions. However victimless crime laws do bully the privacy of guiltless because of the scrutinizing and analysis they need for enforcement. No one of the contestant in a victimless crime will account it to authorities. To implement this kind of offense law, authorized authorities must employ in widespread observance, wiretapping, and close watch of suspected criminals and the community. Certain laws are: William Acton in his book â€Å"Prostitution† (1968) blames women for Prostitution when he says, â€Å""Every unchaste woman is not a prostitute. By unchastity a woman becomes liable to lose character, position, and the means of living; and when these are lost is too often reduced to prostitution for support, which, therefore, may be described as the trade adopted by all women who have abandoned an

Monday, February 3, 2020

The basic guidelines that are specially relevant for aggressive equity Essay

The basic guidelines that are specially relevant for aggressive equity investors and conservative equity investors for investment decision - Essay Example In the need to understand these investment plans, this paper is aimed at evaluating the basic guidelines that are relevant for aggressive equity investors and conservative equity investors for the purpose of decision making. To begin with, aggressive equality investors actively play the game of equality in a vigorous way. Most of the time is spent in managing their portfolio than their consecutive counterparts. They are subjected to high risks; the calculations are in albeit manner aimed at earning big return rates (Chandra, 2009). For the aggressive equality investors, the following general guidelines are relevant in their investment plans for appropriate decision making. The first guideline is to focus on investments that one understands to play their own game. According to Prasanna Chandra (2009, p. 670), â€Å"an investor should always know about the specific company they are investing in, more than the current market does in order to successfully manage their investments.† Therefore, an investor must clearly make a decision on what to focus on. Therefore, decision making is the main key to successful investments. The choices of making decisions are diverse. They include deciding to concentrate on growth, value, multinational companies, small companies, public sector companies, high grade bonds, or low grade bonds. In choosing any of these strategies an investor should be mindful of the basic rules. These rules include being thorough, tough minded, being flexible in knowing the deal about any company one is buying into, and buying when the company is not understood by the existing market is a fundamental idea to keep in mind (Chandra, 2009) . As argued by Candara, one should play the game that one is best in, advocating that an investor should do things as an analyst who is best in doing something. For instance, if an investor can foretell the most important development in the

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Observation of Child Play

Observation of Child Play Using observations of children at play in your setting, evaluate how you would scaffold the children’s learning in the future and improve the quality of play. Using a range of fully completed observations from placements (six in total), evaluate how you would improve the children’s learning experiences. Refer to expected â€Å"norms† of development (fully referenced) and explain how your knowledge of theories of child development would give you an understanding of how you might scaffold their learning. It is recognised that play is a valuable and effective way of learning within the early years. The experiences children have within their early years settings work towards promoting their development, learning and their overall outlook on life. Throughout my time in placement settings, I have observed a wide range of children from the age of 3 months to 11 years old. Within this text, I shall be outlining six of the observations I have conducted over the past two years and explain the child in terms of their development, identifying areas where there are deviations of the expected â€Å"norms† of development. Where appropriate, I will also explain my role of scaffolding these children. Scaffolding is defined by Read, C (2005) as the â€Å"metaphorical concept used to describe the interactive verbal support provided by adults to guide a child through the ZPD and enable them to carry out a task that they would be unable to do without help†. The area in which the child can perform an action or task, provided that a more skilled or knowledgeable person is available to help, Vygotsky termed the ‘zone of proximal development’ (ZPD). Scaffolding is temporary and can be put in place, strengthened, taken down piece by piece or taken away completely, as the child develops knowledge and skills and is increasingly able to act competently and independently. My role of scaffolding is to be the â€Å"more knowledgeable other† Vygotsky explained, as I provide the child was minimal assistance that they require to achieve and understand a concept. Scaffolding refers to the particular kind of help, assistance and support that enables a child to do a task wh ich they cannot quite manage on their own and which brings them closer to a state of competence that will enable them to carry out other similar tasks. Child One (0-3 Years) CONGITIVE Time Observation 09:30am Child A had pointed to the snack table and said â€Å"food† – I told child A â€Å"not now, but later† and child A was able to understand these simple time concepts and continued to play. 09:40am Child A had lifted one of the staff members’ observation book, Child A was told to â€Å"put the book back on the table† in which they completed this action, showing understanding of this sentence. 09:50am Child A was asked if they needed their nappy changed, Child A responded by nodding for yes. 10:00am Child A was given a sorting toy which had spaces to place different shaped objects. Child A was able to complete this task by placing the correct shapes in the corresponding spaces. 10:10am Child A continued to play with this sorting toy, Child A used the attached phone to pretend to speak to â€Å"mummy† on the phone. 10:20am Child A was able to point out a cat, a dog and a fish from a storybook I was reading. 10:30am At snack time, Child A was able to choose a fork rather than a spoon to use to eat chicken curry. For this observation, I used a time sampling method over a time period of one hour to observe a 2 year old during free flow play in a day care. From this observation, I was able to understand that Child A was developing normally as she was able to accomplish and show many areas of cognitive development of an average two year old child. Child A showed the capability of the usual cognitive milestones usually shown by a two year old child and has a wide understanding of words and phrases when spoken to. I do not believe there are any deviations of the norms of cognitive development and that no concerns are in place for this child. To help scaffold this child in the future, I can ensure the child is provided with more appropriate provision or her level of learning, such as more advanced reading books that are still age appropriate, but also capability appropriate to the child as to ensure continuous learning. Child Two (0-3) Years LANGUAGE Tries to copy your sounds Understands many more words than he can say Understands simple directions and questions such as Where is your nose? Get the ball. Demonstrates some pretend play with toys like give the teddy bear a drink Makes at least four consonant sounds from p,b,m,n,d,t,w,h Identifies pictures in a book when asked such as â€Å"Show me the baby. Enjoys being read to and looking at books Understands the concepts of in and out, off and on Points to three body parts when asked Says No Asks for something by pointing and using sounds or words Imitates animal noises Tries to get attention by calling out, repeating words and pointing For this next observation, I carried out a longitudinal study on a child aged 18 months. Over the period of around one month, I was able to identify that Child Two is developing extremely rapidly and accordingly with reference to general norms and milestones of children aged 12 to 18 months. Child Two’s language development appears to be flourishing every day and should not be a cause for concern. By reading new books and introducing new words to the child, I can scaffold their learning in the future to ensure the child’s development and learning is still continuing as normal. Child Three (0-3 Years) LANGUAGE Milestones for 2 to 3 Year Olds Achieved? Yes/No Pays increasing attention to speech No Responds to simple verbal requests No Responds to â€Å"no† Yes Uses simple gestures Yes Babbles with inflection (changes in tone) Yes Says â€Å"dada† and â€Å"mama† No Tries to imitate words Yes Points to objects or picture when it’s named for him Yes Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts No Says several single words No Uses simple phrases No Uses 2-to-4 word sentences No Follows simple instructions Yes Repeats words overheard in conversation No Child Three is 30 months old, (2 Years, 6 Months) and was observed in a Day Care setting. This observation was carried out over a period of one week and by using a Checklist method. Throughout this observation, I witnessed that Child Three’s attitudes towards language are not of the expected norms, as unlike the other children around the similar age were shouting words, able to point to areas on the face when named, saying â€Å"mama† and â€Å"dada† and in some cases, a variety of other two syllable words. Throughout the target week, Child Three did not speak a single word, which is rather worrying for his age range. Child Three does however, point and make grunting noises when he requires help, attention or is pointing to something he wants. These characteristics witnesses are more around the birth to 12 month area of language development and can suggest that Child Three’s language development is progressing, but at an extremely slow rate compared to other children within the setting within this age range. Child Three does not try to say words but continues to murmur and grunt and does not interact with words with other children, which has shown an impact upon his social development as no children approach Child Three physically or verbally, leaving him to play alone, which does not provide a positive influence to promote language development to Child Three. A further observation was that Child Three tends to dribble a great deal whilst making noises, eating and in general, which may show signs of further teething that has continued and may impact Child Three’s speech as he may refuse to speak as his mouth is in pain, which may be a suggestion to make to Child Three’s parents to get checked by their GP. Child Three’s overall language development appears to vary from the traditional norms as many of the milestones that are assumed of Child Three’s age are not achieved and may produce worrying results which need to be explained to the child’s parents In order for them to seek further professional advice, possibly from a speech and language therapist in order to determine if there are any underlying issues which are affecting Child Three’s language development. It could also be argued that these results are not a full representation of Child Three’s language development as they were only conducted within the time period of one week, however I believe this is long enough to uncover any varying characteristics which affect development. The child was familiar with myself and other’s present and I had been present within that setting for a number of months, so this would not produce any factors which may change Child Three’s attitudes, which therefore might have affected his attitude, impacting the results of his development, ruling out this potential impacting factor. Child A (3+) SENSORY/COGNITIVE Vocabulary increasing significantly with words such as Composing sentences of 5 or more words, and with all parts of speech Identifying coins Counting to 10 and above Properly naming the primary colours and secondary Questioning more deeply, addressing meaning and purpose Responding to why questions Behaving more responsibly and apologizing for mistakes Accepting other points of view (but may not understand them) Demonstrating increased mathematical skill Questioning others, including parents and teachers Strongly identifying with the parent of the same sex Having a group of friends Engaging in imaginative play For Child A, I was able to carry out a longitudinal study over a time period of 5 months. Over these five months, I was able to establish a great understanding of Child A’s cognitive and sensory development. At the age of 5, I believe Child A is developing extremely well in terms of cognitive and sensory progress and appears to show no deviations of cognitive or sensory norms. Child A’s parents should be informed (if not already) that their child’s progress is flourishing well and that if they are encouraging this at home, they should continue to do so and this may have been an influential factor for her rapid progress in these developmental areas. Child B (3+) LANGUAGE Narrative Interpretation Child B talked about being a Bridesmaid. Described her dress as being â€Å"beautiful† and that she was in a â€Å"Limousine†. She also discussed the weather during that day. Child B drew a paper plate face and was able to add features independently, using correct colours and names. Child was able to retell a story I had read to class the previous day. Child B used identified a â€Å"Magnifying glass† and used this to â€Å"investigate acorns†. Child B was able to identify her name from a story book. Child B was able to concentrate for 5 minutes to complete a 24 piece jigsaw. Child B talked about the animals from the jigsaw and stated that a â€Å"baby sheep is called a lamb†. Child B prefers to use her right hand, and is able to write correctly using the tripod grip. Child B writes her name with recognizable letters and in correct formation. Child B talked about her experience at the hospital. â€Å"I got my blood pressure taken, it went really tight but I didn’t cry†. Child B was able to retell the story of the Three Little Pigs during an arts activity, using her own words and from memory. Child B was able to talk in length and in great detail about her experience, using more advanced vocabulary such as â€Å"Limousine† which expressed her capability of understanding more words, phrases and sentences. This good recollection of experiences and ability to retell a story to myself showed significant language development through taking part in conversations with adults. The ability to draw herself using correct colours – such as identifying her own hair colour and eye colour and naming facial features independently shows recognizable progress within language development. Good use of story language was evident and signs of progress as Child B was able to recollect the story from previous day. Further vocabulary advancements observed as child identified â€Å"magnifying glass† and was â€Å"investigating†. The ability to recognize and spell her own name is another step within language development. Further intellectual sentences are observed, using correct terminology of â€Å"lamb†. By selecting a preferring hand to write with and by using the appropriate grip, this shows further advances within language development milestones. Child was able to form an intellectual sentence consisting of her own personal experience, from memory and by using appropriate terminology, â€Å"blood pressure†. Another observation of the ability to use her memory to retell a story. This observation was carried out within a Nursery school environment and the target child was 3 years old throughout the duration of this observation. Child B was observed over a period of 5 months playing within this environment, within the format I used to observe the child, I have added my thoughts and evaluation within the â€Å"Interpretation† column. The child appears to be within an advanced area with her language development, as I observed her capability to recognize and spell her own name, which a large amount of other 3 year olds within the class cannot grasp. Child B was also very confident in retelling many personal experiences to both adults and her peers, along with the ability to retell stories from memory and through the use of pictures, such as drawing out the â€Å"Three Little Pigs† story from memory during the Nursery Rhyme topic and by using pictures taken from the storybook â€Å"The Crunching, Munching Caterpillar† to retell the story to me correctly and in her own words. I can state positively that Child B shows the signs of a confident child that is able to fulfil a variety of expectations of language development milestones within this age group, and I believe strongly that this child is developing appropriately according to the norms observed of children within this age group, and that there are no abnormalities or characteristics that need to be addressed. Child C (3+) LANGUAGE Pays attention to a short story and answers simple questions about it YES NO Hears and understands most of what is said at school YES NO Uses sentences that give many details YES NO Tells stories that stay on topic YES NO Communicates easily with other children and adults YES NO Says most sounds correctly except for a few (l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, and th) YES NO Uses rhyming words YES NO Names some letters and numbers YES NO Uses adult grammar YES NO The final observation was also carried out within a Nursery setting and Child C is 4 years old. From this observation, I was able to notice varied aspects of Child C’s development. In many cases, according to the developmental milestones checklist for language development of children aged 3 to 4, Child C was only able to fulfil 3 of the 9 areas for observation. In general, I have noticed that Child C does not talk, and when he does, it is quiet mutters of words. From this observation however, Child C was not able to use sentences, but instead mumbled quiet words which in many cases were unrecognizable. From what characteristics Child C was able to show, such as being able to pay attention to short stories and answer simple questions about them (usually yes or no answers), hear and understand most of what is said in class and also being able to name a short range of numbers and letters, I can suggest that these are the easier targets to fulfil, and may suggest that there are gr eat deviations of the norms of children this age. I would recommend a speech therapist or a general consultation from the child’s GP to his parents as the child does not make much of an attempt to speak to others and contribute, which is strange for a child who is of the age of exploration and interaction with others. References: Berk, L et al (1995) Scaffolding Children’s learning: Vygotsky and Early Childhood Education. National Association for the Education of Young Children. Frick, P et al (2009) Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behaviour. Springer. Herr, J et al (2002) Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers. Cengage Learning. Justice, L et al (2013) Engaging Children with Print: Building Early Literacy Skills through Quality Read-Alouds. Guilford Publications. Leech-Riddall, S (2005) How to Observe Children. Heinemann. Read, C (2005) Scaffolding Children’s Talk and Learning. Available: http://carolread.com/articles/s%20talk%20and%20learning.pdf Smith, V et al (2009) Norms in Human Development. Cambridge University Press. Courtney Hill

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Patroklos is not very important to the Iliada Essay

Patroklos is introduced as the companion of Achilleus – the great warrior – which automatically makes him significant to the poem as a whole. His relationship with Achilleus is first shown in book 9 where Patroklos obeys everything Achilleus asks him to do and is names as ‘his companion Patroklos’. This shows they have a good relationship which is important as it shows the audience another side of Achilleus, one where he is loving and caring and human enough to crave the company of a close friend. However the menial tasks Patroklos is first asked to perform could have been undertaken by any common slave and therefore in this scene he does not come across as particularly important to the poem. This close relationship is emphasized a number of times throughout the poem, in particular when Achilleus ‘gave a silent signal to Patroklos with his eyebrows’ which would indicate that their relationship is such that Patroklos understands what Achilleus wants him to do through facial expression alone. Moreover, in book 11, Patroklos is referred to as the ‘pleasure of my heart’ by Achilleus, suggesting that their relationship is deeper than just friends. Patroklos’s role in Achilleus’s life is explained in part by Nestor who speaks of the advice given to Patroklos by his father ‘by birth Achilleus is superior to you, but you are the older. He is far stronger than you, but your proper task is to give him words of wisdom and advise him and guide him – and he will listen to you for the best. ’ This indicates that Patroklos has throughout his life influenced Achilleus and continues to do so, meaning he is crucial in understanding Achilleus’s character. Nearing the end of book 11, Patroklos cuts an arrow from Eurypylos thigh and stops the bleeding which shows he is compassionate and endears him to the audience which may be a device employed by Homer to emphasize the sadness of Patroklos’s death later in the poem. This scene is also used to show the brutal effects of war due to its gory nature. After book 16 Patroklos comes to the forefront of the poem. Achilleus instructs him to don his armour and push the battle from their ships. Achilleus once again shows his feelings for Patroklos as he prays to Zeus that he will come back safely. Zeus does not grant this, foretelling Patroklos’s death. During this book, Patroklos has his aristeia which adds excitement and impact to the poem. Patroklos’s fighting lasts for many pages and is a significant part of the poem, showing his importance overall. Patroklos’s fight with Sarpedon is important as Zeus becomes upset over the death of his son and although he allows the Achaians to take his armour, he ensures the body is well looked after – showing a loving side of Zeus that is not often seen during the poem. Without Patroklos this scene would not have been able to take place. Patroklos’s death is told over many lines and begins with Euphorbus stabbing him in the back as he is too scared to face him in battle. This shows once again how brave and important Patroklos is. The passage describing Hektor killing Patroklos is very descriptive and includes mockery from Hektor and Patroklos’s final speech. This once more makes the audience feel for Patroklos as he is cruelly mocked in the last moments of his life. The next book is entirely dedicated to the fight over Patroklos’s body which indicates that he was important and a large part of the poem. There are also many men willing to defend Patroklos which shows he was well loved ‘I would gladly stand by Patroklos and defend him, since his death has touched right to my heart’. At the beginning of book 18 Achilleus learns of the death of Patroklos ‘and the black cloud of sorrow enveloped Achilleus†¦he lay there with his whole body sprawling in the dust, huge and hugely fallen, tearing at his hair and defiling it with his own hands’, this passage shows how much Achilleus cared for his friend, he is so overwhelmed with sorrow that he is unable to speak. Even the serving women ‘shrieked loud in their hearts’ grief’, enabling the audience to understand that he was loved by all, emphasizing the pain of his death. Furthermore, Patroklos’s death makes Achilleus feel guilty ‘let me die directly, since I was not able to help my friend at his killing’ and spurs him to fight once more. The sensitive side of Achilleus is bought out again during this ‘his warm tears falling when he saw his trusted friend lying there’. Patroklos’s death is the catalyst needed to make Achilleus rekindle his fighting spirit ‘but now Patroklos†¦I shall not give you burial until I have bought here†¦the head of Hektor. ’ Which shows that without Patroklos Achilleus would not have fought again, meaning he is catalytic in this part of the Iliad. Finally it is made clear that Patroklos was instrumental in Achilleus’s attachment to Briseis. ‘You were always gentle. ’ Briseis explains that Patroklos was the one who arranged for her to marry Achilleus, and since this all began because Briseis was taken away this shows that without Patroklos’s intervention Achilleus would not have been so angry in the first place and would not have refused to fight, making the Iliad into a very different story. Therefore, Patroklos was key in shaping the poem into the story it became.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Restructuring Costs Essay

Pharma Co. is a U.S. subsidiary of a U.K. entity that prepares its financial statements in accordance with (1) U.S. GAAP for reporting to its U.S.-based lender and (2) IFRSs in reporting to its parent. Pharma Co. is considering the relocation of a manufacturing operation from its present location to a new facility in a different geographic area as part of the restructuring a business line. The relocation plan related to the following facts: Facts Financial affection Dec 15, 2010, issued a press release to terminate the lease of the old facility. Jan 31,2011,at which time it will sign the lease termination agreement, Pharma Co. plans to vacate the Plant A facility. The lease is an operating lease with termination fee is $1.3M. The lease was entered into in Feb 2004 with a term of 10 years. The written notice is required for early termination. Dec 27, 2010, communicated the main features of a one-time, nonvoluntary termination plan to its employees. The reduction includes approximately 120 employees, which represents 10 percent of workforce without identified the specific employees. The workforce reduction is expected to be completed by Jan 31, 2011, and is expected to cost approximately $3 million. Pharma Co. has entered into irrevocable contracts with certain other relevant parties to affect the restructuring plan. Relocation cost: $500,000 Staff training cost: $1.5M. Pharma Co. stated its intention to dismantle the existing operation. The cost to dismantle the existing manufacturing operation is estimated to be $1M. There is no legal obligation for dismantling plants when abandoned. Issue How should Pharma Co. account for the restructuring program for the year  ended Dec 31, 2010 under U.S. GAAP? Analysis FASB Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Subtopic 420-10 Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations presents the relevant guidance on cost obligations. Per ASC 420-10-25-12, Contract Termination Costs include: â€Å"A liability for costs to terminate a contract before the end of its term shall be recognized when the entity terminates the contract in accordance with the contract terms ( for example, when the entity gives written notice to the counterparty within the notification period specified by the contract or has otherwise negotiated a termination with the counterparty)† Although Pharma Co. issued a press release to terminate the lease at Dec 15, 2010, this fact did not reach an agreement. So Pharma Co. do not need record the $1.3 termination fee until Jan 31,2011, which was the date sign the termination agreement. One-time employee termination benefits Under ASC 420-10-25-4 requirement, an arrangement for one-time employee termination benefits should meet all the following requirements: â€Å"a. Management, having the authority to approve the action, commits to a plan of termination. b. The plan identifies the number of employees to be terminated, their job classifications or functions and their location, and the expected completion date. c. The plan establishes the terms of the benefit arrangement, including the benefits that employees will receive upon termination (including but not limited to cash payments). In sufficient detail to enable employee to determine the type and amount of benefits they will receive if they are involuntarily terminated. d. Actions required to complete the plan indicate that it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn.† Pharma Co. already approved the employee termination plan in the appendix B with 120 employees at current location. This wo rkforce reduction was expected to be completed by Jan 31, 2011. Although there is no details in appendix B, employees still can information of termination benefit from communication with CEO. Since this is a nonvoluntary termination plan, we are sure that Pharma Co. should recognize the one-time employee termination benefits for the year ended Dec 31, 2010 under GAAP requirement. One-time employee termination benefitsAs the appendix B posted, the employees are not terminated their service or received their benefits. According to the ASC  420-10-30-5, â€Å" If employees are not required to render service until they are terminated in order to receive the termination benefits (that if, is employees are entitled to receive the termination benefits regardless of when they leave) or if employees will not be retained to render service beyond the minimum retention period, a liability for the termination benefits shall be measured at its fair value at the communication date.† Therefore, $3M approximately cost could not record instead of its fair value at Dec 27, 2010. Relocation Cost and Staff Training Cost Although Pharma Co. has entered into irrevocable contracts with certain other relevant parties, since they do not mention the specific time to start the relocation program, it is not need to recognized those future expense until it is really paid. Dismantling Cost As ASC 420-10-25-15 notes about associated costs, â€Å"The liability shall not be recognized before it is incurred, even if the costs are incremental to other operating costs and will be incurred as a direct result of a plan. A liability for other costs associated with an exit or disposal activity shall be recognized in the period in which the liability is incurred (generally, when goods or services associated with the activity are received).† So the main point here is whether the dismantling activates happened, not what it is related to. Therefore, Pharma Co. should not recognize the dismantling cost for the year ended Dec 31, 2010.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Energy Star Certification On Home Prices - 1742 Words

Despite the well documented benefits of above code certification programs like the ENERGY STAR ® Certified New Homes Program, the question remains for many home builders and buyers of how these benefits impact property value. This report provides statistical analysis to quantify the impact of ENERGY STAR Certification on home prices in the state of Maryland between 2010 and 2016. A regression model was used to isolate the impact of the ENERGY STAR Certification on the home value and control for home characteristics. ENERGY STAR Certified homes were found to have a statistically significant price premium ranging from 2.1% to 5.2% when compared to non-certified homes. These results are based on a sample of 2,723 ENERGY STAR homes taken from†¦show more content†¦It also represents an opportunity. As energy and environmental awareness continues to grow, consumers are recognizing residential energy efficiency as an easy, low cost way to optimize energy use, financial resources, and occupancy comfort while reducing their environmental impacts. The Shelton Group’s Energy Pulse 2013 Report found 81% of consumers surveyed stated that energy efficiency would impact their home purchasing decision . Echoing these findings, a recent 2014 report by McGraw Hill Construction surveyed builders and found 73% of single family home builders and 68% of multifamily builders agree that customers are willing to pay more for a green home. In addition to this willingness to pay, 47% of single family builders and 59% of multifamily builders found green homes to be more marketable. This number significantly increases to 65% for firms that construct more than 30% green projects (McGraw Hill Construction, 2014) . Building certification programs, like the ENERGY STAR ® Certified New Homes Progr am, have been created in response to the consumer demand for more comfortable and efficient buildings. Despite the growing popularity and the benefits of these programs, adoption of above code certification have been dampened by the lack of empirical evidence and the quantification of a price premium associated with these certifications. This paper will address this problem and quantify the price premium of ENERGY STAR ®